Thursday, July 2, 2009

Improve Your Credit Score - How You Can Boost Your Credit Score With Self Credit Repair

How To Improve Your Credit Score

If you want to improve your credit score quickly the very first thing you need to do is get a copy of your credit reports from all three credit reporting agencies. This will give you a clear picture as to what is wrong with your report and also what accounts or information are dragging your score down.

You want to first look for things that are reporting wrong. For example it is common for people to have old collections or accounts that were paid off still being shown as open. Once you know why your scores are low its time to start some simple self credit repair. While it may sound scary its actually a straight forward process.

Accounts like these that are reporting incorrect information are to a large degree decreasing you FICO scores. To remove them the easiest way is to send a professional letter to the reporting bureaus and ask them to remove the information because it is false. The agencies will contact the original account issuer who will have to prove otherwise, if they cannot prove it then the account under federal law must be removed this normally happens within 30-45 days. Once removed it will boost your credit score.

These accounts can never be placed back on your credit report again by the original creditor, however if they get placed with a new collection agency they can then be listed on your report once again. This generally is not a problem for older accounts that are a few years old.

The good news is that you can even dispute negative accounts like this even if the information is true. However spread your disputes out over time and never send them in all at once or the credit bureaus will view your disputes a frivolous and ignore them.

Tips For Doing Self Credit Repair The Right Way

The process of Self Credit Repair is a fairly straight forward and simple process if you have the right plan to follow. However If you go into it unprepared you run the risk of failing or damaging your credit further. To avoid hurting your credit you should get a proven credit repair guide like the ones reviewed at that offer proven methods to help you get back on track.

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