Thursday, July 2, 2009

How Can I Fix My Credit? - DIY Credit Repair Tips and Tactics

You Can Fix Your Credit!

Nothing good can come from having a bad credit score except loan denials and higher interest rates. Improving your credit score however makes life much easier and will save you thousands of dollars in interest payments over the course of your life. But many people wonder how can i fix my credit affordably?

First you must realize that like anything DIY credit repair takes time and no matter what you read or hear you cannot have a higher credit score with little to no effort. And keep yourself clear of those so called credit repair companies that promise you the world. They are doing a task you can do on your own and will charge you a huge amount of money to do it.

How To Repair Your Own Credit Report

The first step is doing your home work and learning the right way and the wrong way to do things. It is recommended that you buy a good self credit fixing kit or book. There are many good ones available on line that will provide you with everything you need to complete the task. Just make sure that they include letter templates and up to date information, and a good kit should not cost much more then $40.

You will then need to get a copy of your credit report to see why your scores are low. Make notes as to what accounts are negative, incorrect or are older then seven years. Next write formal dispute letters to the credit reporting agencies using the credit dispute letter templates in your DIY kit.

The credit bureaus will then contact the original creditors and ask them for proof that the account is yours, if they are unable to produce proof then the account must come off your report.The whole process takes about 30-60 days and can be done multiple times.

Where To Get Good Information On Fixing Your Own credit

A complete and effective Credit Repair Kit that will give you all the tools and information you need to quickly boost your credit score is available for under $40 at

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