Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Looking For Ways to Increase Your Credit Score Fast? Try These Tips to Boost Your Credit Score

In today's uncertain times lenders are more cautions then ever and the days of getting loans with bad credit are over. For this reason your credit score is now more important then ever and if your scores are low you may want to think about taking steps to increase your credit score!

Easy Steps To Increase Your Credit Score

First obtain a copy of your credit report. You can get them for free once a year at or buy them directly from the credit agencies websites.

Review Your Report- Once you have your report you will want to go over your it very carefully and take notes on what accounts are either incorrect or outdated. By law any false or old information must be removed.

Reduce Your Account Balances- Keeping your balance to limit ratios on your accounts to a maximum of 50% will help boost your credit score. Anything over 50% and your fico score will start to drop because you start to appear financially risky.

The easiest way to do this is get a credit line increase. If you cannot get an increase try moving some of the balance to other cards.

Establish Good Accounts- If you have a low fico score due to lack of credit history then you must open new accounts. The easiest way to accomplish this is to either use secured credit cards or accounts like department store cards.

Just use restraint and never max them out or be late with the payment or they can do more harm then good.

If you would like to know more ways to Increase Your Credit then check out or affordable and effective self credit repair kit at http://www.diycredithelper.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Self repairing of bad credit report can be effective if we know everything about it and have no doubts at all. Because this is not something which we would want to screw up and mess up the whole thing. Instead I would suggest to get it done by some professionals. If we are sure of everything then of course self repairing would be beneficial.