Sunday, March 1, 2009

Three Tips For Fixing Your Credit Faster and Easier

When attempting to fix your credit there are a few simple things you can do to help you succeed in the process. Not only will these simple tips help you to increase your credit score but they will also help you streamline the process and eliminate wasted time and frustration.

Tips For Keeping It Easy

Pay Your Bills On Time- When your are fixing your credit the most important thing you can do is to pay any credit accounts you have on time. A few days late is OK but if you let any bills go past thirty days late you run the risk of your credit score dropping fifty points or more. It would basically erase any repair work you have done to your credit.

Stay Organized- When fixing your credit you are going to have alot of paperwork you need to keep track of. It is recommended that you get folders for each bureau and keep the accounts you are disputing with that bureau in the folder. If you have multiple accounts make sure and keep all the paperwork for each account paper clipped together. Having organized easy to find documents will save you alot of time and headaches!

Stay Patient- Fixing your credit is a process that is going to take time to see results and even longer to complete. You must realize this going into it and not get let down or get frustrated when nothing happens in thirty days. In most cases you will not even see results for the first sixty days. And if you get letters telling you that some accounts have been eliminated from your report do not get over anxious and pull your credit because this can actually lower your score if you pull it to much.

If you want to increase your credit score quickly check out the self credit repair guide at It is loaded with tips, tricks and tools to help you clean up and increase your credit

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