Monday, April 27, 2009

Being Harassed by NCO Financial-What You Need to Know About the NCO Debt Collection Company

NCO financial is a large and well known bill collecting company that is based in North America but also collects debts for north of the border for Canadian lenders as well.Many people report that their dealings with NCO financial were less then desirable.

The practices of this debt collector are what most people complain about.Most of the complaints regarding them usually refer to very harassing telephone conversations and even trying to collect on debts that have long been paid off.If they get a hold of your accounts you need to be very careful and keep records of everything.

Here are Two Systems You Can Use To Beat NCO Financial

Credit Repair Magic

37 Days To Clean Credit

One of the more serious complaints deals with this company actually taking more out during electronic funds transfers then they were allowed to do buy the consumer. Although there are claims of this behavior none of them have been proven yet. But keep in mind that NCO Financial is not a member of the Better Business Bureau so they do not seem to concerned about their reputation.

In fact many of their offices have alot of consumer complaints against them that have not been settled and some of their offices have even received the worst rating by the BBB. These unsettled complaints deal directly with how they treat consumers.If you are called by NCO Financial and they offer you any type of payment plan be very leery of them and do not do anything hastily.

And always pay with a money order and send it via certified mail with delivery conformation. This will not only keep them out of your bank account but also give you a record that they received you payment.

It is also wise for you to keep a detailed log of every conversion you participate in. Detail things like call time, call length, who you talked to and what was agreed upon.Many people actually use a pre-paid cell phone to get in touch with them for fear that once they home phone number they will never stop harassing you. If they call you at work tell who ever answers the phone to tell them you are not allowed calls at work. Under federal law they must not try again if told this.,

No matter what you do negative information from NCO Financial will more then likely appear on your consumer credit report. In fact there are numerous complaints about them placing false information on people credit reports so expect the worst.

If the information does happen to get placed on your credit report you can take steps like self credit repair to have it removed. And if you know the laws you can even use their actions against them to get information removed and your FICO scores increased!

If you want a way to Beat NCO Financial and boost your FICO scores and clean up your credit report fast log onto and check out the proven self credit repair systems that will help you clena up your credit and get NCO off your back for good!

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