Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Credit Repair Magic Review-What Is Credit Repair Magic And Does It Work?

Credit Repair Magic Review

The new software credit repair magic is by far the top credit repair program currently available to consumers who need to fix their credit scores. Check out the video of Credit Repair Magic below then read the frequently asked questions and decide if Credit Repair Magic is right for you!

How Long Has Credit Repair Magic Been Around- The software came out in September 2000 and since then has gotten many rave reviews and the the creators of credit repair magic have over 20 years experience in the credit repair industry and have already published other successful books on the subject.

Is Credit Repair Magic a Scam?- This product is not a scam and will do what it promises. It is backed by a full 60 day refund so if you are disappointed for any reason easily return it for a full refund!

Is Credit Repair Magic Worth The Money- If you are dealing with bad credit and looking for an "easy" way to repair your credit and dispute items on your credit report then yes it is worth buying. Think of the money you will save on interest payments alone once your credit score goes up!

How Fast Will My Credit Score Go Up?- Every situation is different and some people have reported an increase in as little as a few days while it took others 30-45 days but on average people start to see results after 2-3 weeks. Just keep in mind that there are just to many variables to make an accurate prediction that applies to everyone's situation!

How Much Is Credit Repair Magic- Credit repair magic currently retails for $97 and can be instantly downloaded right to y our computer seconds after purchasing with a major credit card or Pay Pal. The price is actually very low when you consider what this software does and how much money and frustration a higher credit score saves you!

Is Credit Repair Magic Hard To Use- This software is very simple to use that anyone who can read and use a computer can use it!! In fact it also has built in features like the dispute tracker that help keep you organized and working efficiently!

Friday, September 11, 2009

How Can I Remove a Late Payment From My Credit Report Quickly - Three Options For Self Credit Repair

Doing Credit Repair On Your Credit Report

Your credit report is a breakdown of your credit habits both good and bad. Unfortunately the bad habits like late payments have more influencing power then the good habits. Late payments on your credit report are one of the worst items that you can have. Even just one 30 day late mark has the potential to know your score down 100 points, and it gets worse as the lates go past 60,90 or 120 days.

How To Remove a Late Payment From My Credit Report

The absolute easiest way is to wait, unfortunately most people cannot afford to do that and need a quicker way to get their fico score up. The next best method is if it is an old collection account is to negotiate with the collection company. Never pay the full amount and always try to negotiate a educed amount because if you do not pay the collection company does not get paid!

You can also try some self help credit repair and attempt to get the late payments off your credit score report. To do this you must first have the old account numbers and the name of the creditor. To get this information you must have a copy of your credit score report.

Next draft a credit dispute letter and send it off to each individual credit bureaus that is reporting late pays on your account. Once they receive the credit dispute letters they will require the original creditor to provide proof that the account was in fact late.

If the creditor does not do this within 30 days then the account must be removed from your report, you will get a letter in the mail letting you know the outcome of your dispute. If you have multiple late accounts spread the disputes out over time or the reporting agencies will assume you are doing self credit repair and block your requests.

To see the credit repair kits that i recommend including credit repair magic and 37 days to clean credit visit http://www.creditfix123.info

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Improve Credit Score- Easy Tricks To Improve Low Credit Scores Fast

Do You Want To Improve Your Credit Score?

Anyone who has bad credit will want to find some tips to improve credit score problems so they can get approved for loans, get good insurance rates. This article will reveal some simple but effective tips that can help you repair your credit yourself.

Three Easy Tricks To Repair Your Credit

Trick #1-The easiest way to bump your FICO score up is to reduce your limit to balance ratios on your credit accounts. The magic number is 50%, this means that if you have a $5000 limit you want no more then $2500 on your balance. Anytime you go over this ratio your scores will start to drop.

The fastest way to reduce your balance to limit ratio is to either pay down your balance or call the lender and ask them to give you a credit line increase. If neither of these work you can also spread the balances around to other cards keeping all the balance to limit ratios under 50%.

Trick #2- Another old credit repair trick that still works a little bit but it is not as powerful as it used to be is the piggyback method. To do this trick you need to find a close friend or relative that has great credit and a credit account that has a low balance to limit ratio. Have them add you as an authorized user, this will help put a positive history onto your credit report.

Just remember that if your friend or family member all of the sudden starts paying bad it can reflect on your credit as well so be very sure of the person you ask to help you with this method to improve credit score.

Trick #3- Probably the best trick and one that still works great is to use a secured credit card to give you some quick positive history on your credit report. a secured credit works because it reports just like a regular credit card but is much easier to get. Basically all you need is a job and the ability to repay the card.

To ensure they do not lose money, the lender holds a cash deposit that is equal to your credit limit in an account. If you default on the account the lender can take the amount you owe from the deposit. But if you cancel the account or get upgraded to a unsecured account the deposit is refundable.

Tips For Doing Self Credit Repair

The process of self credit repair is a fairly straight forward and simple process if you have the right plan to follow. However If you go into it unprepared you run the risk of failing or damaging your credit further. To avoid hurting your credit you should get a proven Credit Repair Guide like the ones we review at www.creditfix123.info we offer some quick reviews of proven methods.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fixing My Own Credit-Tips For Self Credit Repair

Yes You Can Fix Your Own Credit

I need to fix my credit fast! If you have ever been turned down for a loan or even insurance that you needed very badly then you have more then likely uttered these words to yourself. But you are probably very confused and clueless about whats involved in fixing your credit

How To Repair Your Credit Yourself

the first thing that needs to be done before you can start to improve your credit is find out exactly why your FICO scores are low.

The only way that you can do this is to get a copy of your credit report and review it for errors and negative information that will cause your credit scores to drop.

What am I Looking For Exactly

When looking over your credit report you want to look first for errors. Errors on your report are accounts that have information that is not accurate. It could be that a late payment is recorded when there never was a late payment, or even the limit is showing wrong and the report thinks that your balance is way over your limit.

credit repair magic can help boost your credit fast

Derogatory information is information that is negative in nature and true. This information is often late payments, charged of accounts, collections, judgments and bankruptcies. All of these will pull your credit score down fast.

What Do I Do after I Find These Accounts?

First make a list of these accounts so they are separated from your good accounts. Make sure that you arrange these accounts so that the oldest account is listed first and the newest is listed last.

Next You will need to write a credit dispute letter for the first two accounts to each credit bureau that is reporting negative information on this account. This is important because there are three bureaus and they all report differently so you want to make sure that you are not sending a dispute letter to a bureau that is not reporting negatively about you!

What Is On a Credit Dispute Letter and Why am I Writing It?

This letter is basically telling the bureaus that you do not agree with the information they are reporting. The credit dispute letter that you are writing should have your account number, your name, address and social security number. You also need to state the reason you do not agree with the account information.

How Will a Letter Help Me Fix my Credit?

Once your letter is received the bureaus under Federal Law must investigate this information with the original lender. If the original lender does not or will not provide proof of the information then the bureaus must remove the item. Once the negative item is removed from your report your scores should increase and your credit should be fixed a little bit.

One Final Tip To Help Boost Your Credit

If you are unsure on how to go about doing Self Credit Repair then pick up a good book or guide on the subject. Many are available online for a small fee and will help you get yourself squared away much faster. The Credit Repair Guides I Recommend can be viewed at http://www.creditfix123.info

Erase Bad Credit-How To Erase Bad Credit From Your Report

Erase Bad Credit From Your Report

Contrary to what you may hear from some people, it is possible to erase bad credit. In some cases it can be done quickly and in others it can take time, but however bad your credit report seems, you should never give up hope of improving your score.

You can fix your credit faster with Credit Repair Magic

While some people do not care about their credit score, this is a shortsighted approach and can cost you a lot of money. It is always worth knowing what your report is saying about you even if you never had a bad debt in your life. You never know, there could be a mistake that could prevent you from getting a mortgage or a loan when you need one, or will cause you to have higher interest rates than you should be paying.

Bad Credit Can Cost you

Sometimes having a bad score can stop you getting insurance at a good rate, or in some special cases it may even lead to you being turned down for a job. This seems very unfair because a person with a lot of debts can need a job more than anybody, but that is how the world works. People with financial problems are simply not trusted as much as people with a clear history.

Tips To Fix It Yourself

But there is a lot you can do to wipe some of that bad credit off your report. Of course the first thing is to have any mistakes corrected. You are entitled to a free copy of your credit report every 12 months and you should always take advantage of that. Go through it carefully and check all of the negative entries. Often there might be a mistake that will affect your score. You have the right to have all mistakes corrected, as long as you can prove what really happened.

Budget Your Money

Then of course you need a realistic budget that you can keep to. This should include all of the payments that you need to make. If it is not possible to make all your repayments and live on your current income, then you need to look for a solution. This could be either refinancing so that your repayments are lower, or finding ways to increase your income, or perhaps reducing your expenditure if you are still spending more than you need to.

Reduce Your Debt

Reducing your debt will be a slow process. Often times, people have built up their debts over many years and you have to face the fact that it may take just as many years to pay them off. But if you have patience, you will find that the best way to do it is slowly and steadily.

For a good credit score it is best to keep your credit card balances below 30% of your available limit. This tells lenders that you have your debts under control and you are not pushing everything to the limit.

Consolidate Debt

Debt consolidation may be helpful but be careful that it really does help you to reduce your debts. There is a danger that you will pile all of your current debts onto a consolidation loan and then simply start looking around for additional sources of finance so that you end up with more. However, debt consolidation can be a good solution if you are having trouble keeping track of all of your repayments.

It is certainly easier psychologically to handle one payment a month instead of many. It can also bring financial advantages if you can transfer high interest repayments into a lower interest consolidation loan.

Your Last Resort

Bankruptcy is an option that some people take to avoid their debts but it has long term consequences for your credit score. You cannot wipe bankruptcy out of your history until the due time has passed, and it will cause you to have most of your credit applications turned down for many years. So voluntary bankruptcy is not a solution if you want to erase bad credit from your report.