The new software credit repair magic is by far the top credit repair program currently available to consumers who need to fix their credit scores. Check out the video of Credit Repair Magic below then read the frequently asked questions and decide if Credit Repair Magic is right for you!
How Long Has Credit Repair Magic Been Around- The software came out in September 2000 and since then has gotten many rave reviews and the the creators of credit repair magic have over 20 years experience in the credit repair industry and have already published other successful books on the subject.
Is Credit Repair Magic a Scam?- This product is not a scam and will do what it promises. It is backed by a full 60 day refund so if you are disappointed for any reason easily return it for a full refund!
Is Credit Repair Magic Worth The Money- If you are dealing with bad credit and looking for an "easy" way to repair your credit and dispute items on your credit report then yes it is worth buying. Think of the money you will save on interest payments alone once your credit score goes up!
How Fast Will My Credit Score Go Up?- Every situation is different and some people have reported an increase in as little as a few days while it took others 30-45 days but on average people start to see results after 2-3 weeks. Just keep in mind that there are just to many variables to make an accurate prediction that applies to everyone's situation!
How Much Is Credit Repair Magic- Credit repair magic currently retails for $97 and can be instantly downloaded right to y our computer seconds after purchasing with a major credit card or Pay Pal. The price is actually very low when you consider what this software does and how much money and frustration a higher credit score saves you!
Is Credit Repair Magic Hard To Use- This software is very simple to use that anyone who can read and use a computer can use it!! In fact it also has built in features like the dispute tracker that help keep you organized and working efficiently!