Monday, July 20, 2009

Fix Your Credit Report - A Proven Method to Fix Bad Credit Reports and Boost Your Credit Score

Fixing Your Credit

Your credit score is more important now then ever before. It will be used by lenders, insurance companies and employers to make decisions that can majorly affect your money and your career.

If you have a low credit score you should consider taking steps to fix your credit report in order to make your life easier and less stressful.

How Can I Fix Bad Credit

The very first thing you need to to do to repair your credit score is to stop the habits that got you here in the first place. Start paying your bills on time and do not take out any news loans at this time.

The next step would be to look into secured credit cards. These credit cards will report positively on your credit report and are very easy to get.

Theses types of cards are secured by a cash deposit in an account that the issuing company can have access to in the event you default or start to miss payments.This cash deposit gives the lender and you a safety net safety net against loss and defaults.

Once you have your secured card use it wisely, never miss a payment and never let the balance go over 45% of the account limit.

After you have a new and positive trade line in place you can then start the credit repair process. This will involve contact the three major credit bureaus and disputing old, negative and false information that is showing up on your report.

While it is not a hard process to complete there are some tricks and tips that you can use to make it go smoother and avoid some common problems. The best way to get these tips is from a good DIY credit repair kit. Many of these kits can be downloaded online and should cost no more then $50.

If You Want More Credit Repair Tips

To learn how to Fix Your Credit quickly head over to and check out our effective and affordable self credit repair kit.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How to Remove Charged Off Accounts From Your Credit Report With Credit Dispute Letters

Using Credit Dispute Letters For a Better Credit Score

Charged off accounts on your credit report are one of the worst things you can have. Even just one of these types of marks can drop your credit score 100 points or more in one day. As bad as they are there are ways to remove charge offs from your profile that are quite easy to do.

Before you start the process you will need a copy of your credit report in order to see what accounts are listed as charge offs and also the account number and the name of the creditor for that particular account.

Next draft up a series of credit dispute letters stating the name and number of the account and that you disagree with the information. Send these letters to the credit bureaus who are reporting this negative account.

The credit agencies will then have to make contact with the original creditor and ask them to provide proof that the information is accurate.

If the original creditor cannot or does not supply the proof the bureaus are asking for then the account must be removed from your report.

In about 30-45 days you will receive a letter in the mail letting you now if the account was removed or if it was validated and will remain on your account.

If it is removed it can never be listed back onto your report by the original creditor. But if it is sold off to a collection agency they can place it on your report and you will have to re do the process.

Tips For Doing Self Credit Repair The Right Way

The process of Self Credit Repair is a fairly straight forward and simple process if you have the right plan to follow. However If you go into it unprepared you run the risk of failing or damaging your credit further. To avoid hurting your credit you should get a proven credit repair guide like the ones reviewed at that offer proven methods to help you get back on track.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Improve Your Credit Score - How You Can Boost Your Credit Score With Self Credit Repair

How To Improve Your Credit Score

If you want to improve your credit score quickly the very first thing you need to do is get a copy of your credit reports from all three credit reporting agencies. This will give you a clear picture as to what is wrong with your report and also what accounts or information are dragging your score down.

You want to first look for things that are reporting wrong. For example it is common for people to have old collections or accounts that were paid off still being shown as open. Once you know why your scores are low its time to start some simple self credit repair. While it may sound scary its actually a straight forward process.

Accounts like these that are reporting incorrect information are to a large degree decreasing you FICO scores. To remove them the easiest way is to send a professional letter to the reporting bureaus and ask them to remove the information because it is false. The agencies will contact the original account issuer who will have to prove otherwise, if they cannot prove it then the account under federal law must be removed this normally happens within 30-45 days. Once removed it will boost your credit score.

These accounts can never be placed back on your credit report again by the original creditor, however if they get placed with a new collection agency they can then be listed on your report once again. This generally is not a problem for older accounts that are a few years old.

The good news is that you can even dispute negative accounts like this even if the information is true. However spread your disputes out over time and never send them in all at once or the credit bureaus will view your disputes a frivolous and ignore them.

Tips For Doing Self Credit Repair The Right Way

The process of Self Credit Repair is a fairly straight forward and simple process if you have the right plan to follow. However If you go into it unprepared you run the risk of failing or damaging your credit further. To avoid hurting your credit you should get a proven credit repair guide like the ones reviewed at that offer proven methods to help you get back on track.

How Can I Fix My Credit? - DIY Credit Repair Tips and Tactics

You Can Fix Your Credit!

Nothing good can come from having a bad credit score except loan denials and higher interest rates. Improving your credit score however makes life much easier and will save you thousands of dollars in interest payments over the course of your life. But many people wonder how can i fix my credit affordably?

First you must realize that like anything DIY credit repair takes time and no matter what you read or hear you cannot have a higher credit score with little to no effort. And keep yourself clear of those so called credit repair companies that promise you the world. They are doing a task you can do on your own and will charge you a huge amount of money to do it.

How To Repair Your Own Credit Report

The first step is doing your home work and learning the right way and the wrong way to do things. It is recommended that you buy a good self credit fixing kit or book. There are many good ones available on line that will provide you with everything you need to complete the task. Just make sure that they include letter templates and up to date information, and a good kit should not cost much more then $40.

You will then need to get a copy of your credit report to see why your scores are low. Make notes as to what accounts are negative, incorrect or are older then seven years. Next write formal dispute letters to the credit reporting agencies using the credit dispute letter templates in your DIY kit.

The credit bureaus will then contact the original creditors and ask them for proof that the account is yours, if they are unable to produce proof then the account must come off your report.The whole process takes about 30-60 days and can be done multiple times.

Where To Get Good Information On Fixing Your Own credit

A complete and effective Credit Repair Kit that will give you all the tools and information you need to quickly boost your credit score is available for under $40 at