Fixing Your Credit
Your credit score is more important now then ever before. It will be used by lenders, insurance companies and employers to make decisions that can majorly affect your money and your career.
If you have a low credit score you should consider taking steps to fix your credit report in order to make your life easier and less stressful.
How Can I Fix Bad Credit
The very first thing you need to to do to repair your credit score is to stop the habits that got you here in the first place. Start paying your bills on time and do not take out any news loans at this time.
The next step would be to look into secured credit cards. These credit cards will report positively on your credit report and are very easy to get.
Theses types of cards are secured by a cash deposit in an account that the issuing company can have access to in the event you default or start to miss payments.This cash deposit gives the lender and you a safety net safety net against loss and defaults.
Once you have your secured card use it wisely, never miss a payment and never let the balance go over 45% of the account limit.
After you have a new and positive trade line in place you can then start the credit repair process. This will involve contact the three major credit bureaus and disputing old, negative and false information that is showing up on your report.
While it is not a hard process to complete there are some tricks and tips that you can use to make it go smoother and avoid some common problems. The best way to get these tips is from a good DIY credit repair kit. Many of these kits can be downloaded online and should cost no more then $50.
If You Want More Credit Repair Tips